Academically Intellectually Gifted
Richmond County Schools' Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program is designed to identify and nurture the unique talents of gifted students through multiple data points. Identification involves three pathways using aptitude tests (CogAT, Iowa), achievement tests (NC Check-Ins, iReady, mClass), and qualitative data from teacher, parent, and self-referrals. Students need six points to qualify for the AIG program.
In our program, students receive pull-out resource services with activities that extend classroom topics and foster critical thinking, STEM skills, reasoning, project-based learning, social-emotional learning, and independent studies. Elementary AIG students engage in group and independent projects to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Middle school AIG students are grouped with peers for challenging assessments and classes, with AIG specialists often co-teaching with ELA and Math teachers to ensure appropriate challenges and preparation for higher-level education.
- How does RCS identify students for AIG?
- What can I do to prepare my child for AIG testing?
- When does the screening process start for Elementary Schools?
- What services would my elementary student receive if identified as AIG?
How does RCS identify students for AIG?
What can I do to prepare my child for AIG testing?
When does the screening process start for Elementary Schools?
What services would my elementary student receive if identified as AIG?
Sharon Stehpens
AIG Specialist